
The Scary Truth about Sugar Dating


The scary truth about sugar dating. The best way to avoid troubles!


Sugar dating is appealing to certain individuals as the easiest way to get a lot of money by just being on a casual date.


However, its down sides are often unknown to many people because the main media would not focus on them.


Some people would have a wonderful time while on a sugar date, however, there are some reports of unpresent or even dangerous encounters of certain sugar daddies.


Obviously, sugar daddies are rich; thus it is not easy for (not so financially fortunate) sugar babies to solve issues with them.


In this article, you can read about the real stories of the dangerous encounters and ways to avoid them.


If you are interested in becoming a sugar baby, this is the must read for you!

Better watch out! The sugar dating real victims’ stories

Here are real stories from real sugar babies.


Con man Sugar daddy


“I was told to give my credit card to a sugar daddy because he said that he was going to pay my card bill using his company account and he was going to increase my spending limit.” – Sugar Baby A


Similar cases are very common amongst younger sugar babies who just left schools or still at schools. They do not know the consequence of handing out their credit cards to others.


Moreover, those con men might offer a young sugar baby to sign up for a new company credit card as the way to get paid. Then those con men would ask the sugar baby to pay for its fee and tax. This results in there being no money left for her.


Kidnapper Sugar daddy


“I was told to meet up with a sugar daddy, he came with his car and asked me to get in. I was taken to a hotel and photographed naked. “ -Sugar Baby B


It would not sound as a real story, however, this is a quite known fact amongst the sugar dating community.


A similar horrific story includes being taken to a private house and locked up. The risk is higher, if a date was set up via social media such as twitter. People need to be extra cautious to set up a date on any social media platforms.


MIA Sugar daddy

“He told me to pay for our meal because he forgot his wallet, and he promised to pay back next time. So I paid and after that he became MIA(missing in action)” -Sugar Baby C
Untrustworthy “red bold”>a sugar daddy did not come back from the bathroom. Obviously, she needed to pay the bill in the end. It would have been even worse, if they dined at a high end restaurant.


Stingy Sugar daddy

“I was told to split the bill.” -Sugar Baby D


A stingy sugar daddy would ask a sugar baby to split the bill; it is rare but it happens. The reason would be very simple, he is not rich at all. He does not plan to be a sugar daddy in the first place.


A sugar baby needs to make sure that a man wants to be a sugar daddy or not; moreover, he understands the true meaning of sugar dating. Otherwise, the chance of money trouble would increase.


Forceful Sugar daddy


“I was touched and kissed without my consent in his car.” -Sugar Baby E


Sugar daddies often travel by their cars. It is not unheard of that sugar babies would be treated inappropriately in a tight space. A man can be unpredictable in this kind of situation.


It is wise to not put yourself in this kind of situation. Thus it is advisable to not to be in a tight and private space with a sugar daddy alone.


Untrustworthy Sugar daddy

“After the meal, I was not given the promised fee of sugar dating.” -Sugar Baby F


It is an unspoken rule of sugar dating to pay “fee” for the date! However, there are fair enough reports of fees not being paid at the end of the date.


The fee must be paid at the end of the day! This is the universal rule of sugar dating.


Unfortunately, there are men who just want to meet sugar babies for fun without intention to be sugar daddies.


It is very hard to avoid those kinds of men on online dating sites. Veteran sugar babies would encounter at least one of them in the past.


One night stand Sugar daddy

“We had sex but he left without paying my fee.” -Sugar Baby G


This is the worst case of sugar dating. After a mutual agreement of sex, a man leaves without dating fee.


There are several reports of this kind of sugar daddies; it is more common amongst dates which were set via social media such as twitter and sugar dating sites.


It is impossible to get the fee afte the sex, and there are nothging you can do.
You can not get help from the police or any law enforcement. It is very troublesome!

The horrible work conditions of sugar babies.


Some females are professional sugar babies which mean that their occupation would be sugar babies. Their work environment is not so great.


If the field of work is dodgy, the work condition would be the same.


If the employer ( sugar daddy) is black company, the employee (sugar baby) is also under the balck working condition.


Very long working hour which result of $20/H

The worst case would be that the time for a meal date is so long which results in the dating fee being low. The minimum sugar dating fee would be $50 per hour! Do not do sugar dating for less than that.


The average market is $100 for a 2 hours date. If the travel time is quite long to meet up, then the travel hour should be compensated.


Some men do not understand the real deal of “sugar dating”, if you have a contract with one of those men, you would end up working under a terrible working condition.


To busy messaging and have no private life

Sending a message would not take a long time; however, you have to stop what you are doing for a short amount of time.


A frequent messaging sugar daddy is troublesome. This messaging service is often not included in the sugar dating fee.


It is ok, a sugar daddy does not ask a sugar baby to reply all the time, but it is advisable to stop the contract if a sugar daddy asks you to reply to his message all the time.

How to avoid a horrible sugar dating encounter.

There are several ways to lower the risk of getting into troubles which are mentioned above.


Avoid using social media sites and dating/matching apps.

Social media such as twitter and instagram, and dating/matching apps are not ideal ways to look for sugar daddies. This way is too dangerous.


Moreover, there are only low level sugar daddies roaming around to find sugar babies on those platforms. Ideal sugar daddies can not be found there.


The best way to find a good sugar daddy would be joining a membership only dating club. The second best would be sugar dating apps.


Apart from those two, people should not look for a sugar daddy anywhere else.


Most of the reports came from sugar babies who went to look for a sugar daddy on social media sites and dating apps.


Safety Men’s Financial Ability Interest in being a Sugar Daddy
Dating Clubs
Sugar Daddy Apps


Sadly, there have been reports of murders and imprisonments results of sugar dating.


Especially men who are on twitter, they are often under financial difficulties; they also have lots of personal problems.


They are often looking for sugar babies to target for criminal activities.


Meet a sugar daddy at an indoor public space.


The best place to meet up with a sugar daddy would be a cafe or a restaurant.


A sugar baby can research about a place beforehand and it is the safest place!


It is better to not meet up with a sugar daddy who would not share the information of the meeting spot in advance.


The agreeable fee should be paid in advance.


It is better to be paid in advance for the first time.


Especially for a contract involving a physical act, it is safer to ask for cash before you enter a hotel.


It is nearly impossible to get your fee afterwards especially, he started avoiding the fee.


It is very common to get a monthly payment for a longer agreement.
However, it is the best to get payment each time, not to get the sum of payment at the end of the month.


Avoid spaces such as inside a car and a hotel room to meet up.

If you are on a date without a physical contact agreement, do not create a situation or a mood where he can make a move (physical contact +)


You must turn down an offer to go to a hotel room.


It is wise to wait until after a few dates and gain some trust, to join him in his car.


Pick a modest restaurant for an initial meet


To avoid an unexpected expenditure from a stingy sugar daddy who might run away from paying a bill or ask to split a bill in the end; it is wise to book a restaurant where you can have reasonably priced meals for the first time.


It is advisable to tell a sugar daddy to meet up at a casual cafe in the advance.

What can you do after a horrible sugar dating experience?

If a sugar baby experiences criminal behaviour from a sugar daddy, there is a possibility to take him to court.


Report him to the police

When a sugar daddy turns to a stalker, you must report him to the police.


It is very important to save all the correspondence and record all abusive behaviour as evidence.


If it is all possible, ask some help from friends and family members as well as reporting to the police.


But first, report him to the place.


Talk to a lawyer


Another way to solve an issue with a sugar daddy would be talking to a lawyer.


However, this costs money but it is possible to act drastically, effectively and quickly against a problematic person.


What to do, there is no one to talk to

Obviously, being a sugar baby is not a proud profession or behaviour. It might not be easy for a sugar baby to open up her problems to others. There is a special hotline for this.


People can search for this hotline online. There are some organizations offering help.

To sum up!

It is tempting to get easy money by sugar dating, however, there is always a risk which comes with it.


Please follow above advice to be safe while you enjoy healthy sugar dating.