
Datemyage.com Customer Support Review


Datemyage.com is designed specifically for singles over 40 who are looking to connect with others in the same age range. With a user-friendly interface, advanced search features, and a commitment to creating a safe and supportive community, Datemyage.com has quickly become a popular dating site for mature singles. However, its service started to change and now its legitimacy is questionable.

Datemyage.com Customer Support Representatives Verdict

In general, the customer support for Datemyage.com receives mixed reviews. Some users have reported positive experiences, praising the platform’s responsiveness and helpfulness. These users report that their questions or concerns were addressed quickly and that the support team was friendly and knowledgeable.

However, other users have reported difficulties getting in touch with customer support or receiving unhelpful or unsatisfactory responses to their inquiries. These users have reported frustration with the platform’s support team and have expressed dissatisfaction with the level of assistance they received.

Overall, the quality of customer support for Datemyage.com may depend on the individual user’s experience and the specific issue they are dealing with. Some users may have positive experiences with the platform’s support team, while others may encounter difficulties. However, the platform does provide multiple support channels and encourages users to contact customer support with any questions or concerns they may have.

How to get in touch with Datemyage.com Customer Support Representatives

Datemyage.com provides customer support to assist users with any questions or concerns they may have. The platform offers several support channels, including email support, phone support, and live chat support.

There are several ways to contact Datemyage.com customer support:

1.Email: You can email the Datemyage.com support team at [email protected]. Be sure to include as much information about your issue as possible to help the support team assist you.

Personally, by emailing to [email protected], I got an auto reply but did not get an answer to my question.

2.Phone: If you prefer to speak with someone directly, you can contact Datemyage.com customer support by phone. The phone number for customer support is available on Facebook.

3.Live Chat: Datemyage.com also offers a live chat feature that allows you to chat with a support representative in real-time. To access the live chat feature, log in to your account and click on the “Support” tab.

The live chat service is available on the site, however, I personally could not use it.

Datemyage.com Customer Support Representatives Online presence


On trustpilot, Datemyage.com Customer Support Representatives have a very strong presence, replying to almost every comment on this site.

Google Play

Also, Datemyage.com Customer Support Representatives are very active on Google App store replying all recent comments. They are under the name Stende Solutions Limited which is also a company in Malta.