
Datemyage.com Scammer Report


Datemyage.com is an online dating platform owned and operated by Dating Group, a company registered in Malta. The website was launched in 2017 and is specifically designed to help singles over the age of 45 find meaningful relationships, friendships, and companionship. With a user-friendly interface and a range of features, including chat rooms and advanced search options, Datemyage.com has quickly become a popular choice for mature singles exploring online dating. The platform also offers safety and security features, including profile verification and the ability to block and report suspicious users.

However, Datemyage.com has changed dramatically over the years, now, it was banned in India and their negative reviews are swarming online. The reasons behind this change is unknown.

Datemyage.com Traffic

Datemyage.com doesn’t have as many members as Match.com, but it does have a lot of members.

Datemyage.com Scammer Verdict

Like many online dating platforms, Datemyage.com has had some reports of scammers and fake profiles. Some users have reported receiving messages from suspicious accounts or encountering profiles with misleading information or photos.

Datemyage.com is stating that they take their security seriously and has implemented measures to prevent fraudulent activity on the platform. However, they are allowing members to use fake photos. Also, their policy for younger users is very unknown.

Moreover, there are some active users who are constantly reaching out to new members. They message new users and pin with live video chats. But there are some reports that some people have been hired to keep members engaged so they would spend money! To keep chatting virtually.

This business model itself could be a scam,,, this could be a reason this service deteriorated.

Datemyage.com is not giving out the impression of mature dating, there are a lot of attractive yet suspicious females in their 20- 30s.

Traffic by Countries

[Mar, 24th, 2023]

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Datemyage.com has members all over the world. It seems that there are many users in North and South America and Europe in particular.

Average Monthly Traffic by Countries


US 1,172,807
Seychelles 486,772
Canada 263,109
Colombia 190,723
Netherlands 177,710
Others 1,775,477

If you live in, or plan to travel to, North and South America or Europe, check out Datemyage.com.

Datemyage.com User variety

Datemyage.com has an interesting user variety, there is definitely a great mixture of age ranges. However, the initial glance would not give an impression that Datemyage.com is a dating site for people over 40s because a lot of members look much younger.

This user is 38 years old, she shares her personal information online.

She comes across a legit member; however, she has limited information on her page.

This is another genuent looking profile. But the photo looks edited.

Another young member is full of photos. In some photos, she looks like a teenager.

She has a video on her profile and 23 professionally looking photos.

She is in her late 30s and looking for older males.

She is the right looking member.

She is another younger member.

She has a limited profile.

She could be a legitimate user.

Interestingly, she used a photo with her friend.

Some people would use a famous person’s photo. Thus Datemyage.com does not check the authenticity of profile photos.

She is a Brazilian actress.

Also, this pop lady is wearing a hijab, but she is wearing a very relieving top. This is a very strange look.

All and all, Datemyage.com users sadly look very questionable, especially active users. About 50% of profiles could be legit members but 50% of them are definitely not.

Datemyage.com Scammer Report Online


On trustpilot, there are a lot of scammer reports. Some are in very detail, stating that some would be paid to have conversations which is very worrisome.

On sitejabber, there are similar posts about professional chatters, and concerns about fake accounts.

Google Play
On Google Store, the majority of reviews are about their expensive fee. But there are some reports of fake accounts.

It is worrisome that this app has a 4.0 rate, with 2K reviews. But recent posts were all about this service being expensive and somehow scamming people by charging a lot of credits to just chat with others.