
Meetup.com customer support Review


If you’re looking for a way to meet new people and explore your interests. It allows users to join or create local groups based on shared interests and participate in various events and activities. With a wide range of categories available, you can find meetups that align with your hobbies, whether it’s sports, technology, arts, or more. The platform’s interface is user-friendly, making it easy to discover upcoming events and connect with like-minded individuals in your area. It offers an opportunity to expand your social circle and engage in activities you enjoy, providing a potential avenue for personal growth and community involvement.

Meetup.com customer support representatives Verdict

Meetup.com customer support representatives are there to help users. Meetup.com actually offers more than that. They have all sorts of extra support features such as blogs, podcasts, social media accounts and much more.

How to get in touch with Meetup.com customer support

Meetup.com offers customer support to assist users with their inquiries, issues, and concerns.

Meetup.com typically provides a Help Center on their website, which serves as a comprehensive resource for frequently asked questions and troubleshooting guides. Users can browse through the Help Center to find answers to common queries and learn how to resolve common issues.

Meetup.com often offers a contact form or email address where users can reach out for personalized assistance. This allows users to submit specific inquiries or report any technical problems they may encounter.

From the profile icon or the bottom of the page, people can see the Help sign.

Then choose one from these above topics.

Type Contact support

Then click the blue link.

Again pick a question.

This form would appear to fill.

After about 3 hours of submitting this form, I personally got a personal reply from them. The form works well.

Meetup.com encourages users to engage with the community to seek help and advice. This can be done through group discussions, forums, or community-based platforms where members can share their experiences and offer assistance to one another.

Meetup.com may also provide customer support or respond to inquiries through their official social media channels such as Twitter or Facebook. Users can reach out to them via direct messages or by mentioning their username in a public post.

Meetup.com customer support representatives Online presence

Google Play
Meetup.com customer support representatives have strong presence on Google store, replying all review posts,

App Store

On Apple Store Meetup.com customer support representatives have good presence, replying to some review posts.

Meetup.com customer support representatives Online review

On sitejabber, unfortunately Meetup.com customer support representatives have a series of bad reviews.


On trustpilot, also, Meetup.com customer support representatives have a series of bad reviews which state that they are not there to help users, especially, organizer members who paid to use this service.

One post suggests that the best way to get quick reply would be to post their problems open on Twitter tagging their account